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Character Sketchbook

illustration tree steven gerdts

For about a year I was drawing, downloading reference photos, and making videos and flash projects while saving everything in my DOWNLOADS folder that eventually was about 6 gigs worth of images named by…date. When I needed to find a file, all I needed to do was remember the exact date that I drew it? V. Smart.

Deciding to get rid of the least intuitive system of organizing artwork ever conceived, I started to use Powerpoint to build a little character portfolio at the same time that I organized all of my files.

Powerpoint is a great way to compile assets for building a portfolio and for comparing lots of iterations of a character. You can drop a ton of pngs onto a slide, and collage with them in a nice and easy way.

The presentation below has all of the character worksheets I’ve been working on. Each shows a character at all different stages, from paper and pencil sketches to drawings that I’ve used for animation frames.

You can use the left and right arrows below to navigate through the book, which I’ve hosted on Issuu.

vines steven gerdts